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International AIDS Society

Track B - Clinical Sciences

Course of Infection and Disease

B1 Impact of co-factors/viral clade/tropism/genetic factors
B2 Prognostic staging of disease
B3 Acute and early infection
B4 Disease burden – morbidity/mortality
B5 Ageing
B6 Non-AIDS related co-morbidities (e.g. diabetes, hypertension etc)
B7 Impact of nutrition
B8 HIV-2

Field Based Trials of Diagnosis and Monitoring Tools

B9 New monitoring strategies including rapid tests
B10 Viral resistance testing in clinical trials and practice
B11 Viral fitness and tropism assays, utility and application in clinical practice

HIV-Associated Diseases in Adults and Children

B12 Opportunistic infections (excluding mycobacterial)
B13 Tuberculosis
B14 Other mycobacterial infections
B15 Other bacterial infections and malaria and parasitic infections
B16 Hepatitis co-infections: (including HBV, HCV)
B17 Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
B18 Prophylaxis of HIV associated infections; vaccines e.g. pneumococcal, hepatitis and HPV, co-trimoxazole prophylaxis and IPT
B19 Neurologic and psychiatric manifestations, including neurocognitive disorders
B20 Immune reconstitution disorders / IRIS
B21 AIDS related malignancies (KS, lymphoma, cervical and anal carcinoma) including HHV8 infection
B22 Non-AIDS related malignancies
B23 HIV-associated renal disease

Antiretroviral Therapies (strategic categories apply to resource rich and constrained settings) in Adults

B24 Clinical trials
B25 Cohort studies
B26 Acute and early infection and management of patients with acquired viral resistance
B27 Pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, role of therapeutic drug monitoring, drug interactions
B28 Pharmacogenomics
B29 When to start therapy
B30 First line therapy
B31 Management of late presenters
B32 Simplification strategies (induction/maintenance and use of bPI monotherapy)
B33 Switch studies
B34 Therapy for the heavily pre-treated patient
B35 Antiretroviral therapy of pregnant women

Antiretroviral Therapies (strategic categories apply to resource rich and constrained settings) in Children and Adolescents

B36 Diagnosis of HIV disease
B37 Pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, drug formulations
B38 Antiretroviral therapy,clinical trials and cohorts
B39 When to start therapy
B40 First line therapy
B41 Management of late presenters
B42 Simplification strategies (induction/maintenance and use of bPI monotherapy)
B43 Switch studies
B44 Therapy for the heavily pre-treated patient

Complications of Anti-Retroviral Therapy and Adherence in Adults and Children

B45 Lipodystrophy and metabolic abnormalities
B46 Cardiovascular disease and other end organ damage
B47 Bone and renal disease
B48 Other adverse reactions and complications of ARV therapy
B49 Adherence in adults
B50 Adherence in children and adolescents
B51 Other complications

Other Therapies

B52 Therapeutic vaccine and immune based therapy trials
B53 Complementary and traditional medicines and the role of traditional healers in therapy