Terms & Conditions for Exhibitors
These Terms & Conditions for Exhibitors are valid for each exhibitor registered to attend the XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010) to be held in Vienna from 18 – 23 July 2010 (hereinafter referred to as “the conference").
Exhibitor registration is only applicable to exhibiting companies. The exhibiting company must nominate one group manager who will administer the exhibitor registration. It is the sole responsibility of the group manager to distribute all relevant conference information to the registered exhibitors.
All references to the age of a person, mentioned in this or other conference documents, refer to the age of that person as of 18 July 2010 (the first day of the conference), unless otherwise specified.
All references to a date or a deadline, mentioned in this and other conference documents, refer to the Central European Time Zone (CET).
Exhibitor registration
Only fully completed registration forms will be accepted. The registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of full payment from the group manager registering the exhibitors.
To be able to be registered as exhibitor, individuals must be at least 18 years old. Exhibitors may be asked to present an official identity card stating their age.
Exhibitor registration includes entry to the exhibition area, the satellites and the opening. It does not include access to the conference sessions, nor the conference bag and materials.
It is the responsibility of the group manager to inform the exhibitors whether the exhibitor name badge is being picked-up and distributed by the group manager or individually by each exhibitor. No exhibitor name badges will be handed out until payment in full has been received.
Each exhibiting company is entitled to the following number of exhibitor registrations:
Purchased Square Metres
Up to 25 m2
From 26 to 50 m2
From 51 to 75 m2
From 76 to 100 m2
More than 100 m2 |
Free Exhibitor Badges
20 |
Additional exhibitor badges can be purchased for EUR 100. The order form for exhibitor badges will be available on ISET at a later stage.
The maximum number of additional exhibitor registrations equals the number of free registrations according to the ratio above. For example, exhibitors who are entitled three free registrations can buy three additional registrations, those entitled six can buy six more, etc.
Major Industry Sponsors
Each Major Industry Sponsor receives 30 free exhibitor registrations. Additional exhibitor registrations can be purchased at EUR 75. The maximum number of additional exhibitor registration equals the number of free registrations, i.e. a maximum of 30 additional exhibitor registrations.
Registration confirmation/receipt
An invoice will be sent by email to the group manager after the AIDS 2010 Registration Department has received the fully completed exhibitor registration form. The payment for the exhibitor registration has to be transferred immediately upon receipt of the invoice. A final registration confirmation/receipt will be issued and sent to the group manager as soon as payment in full has been received.
Methods of payment
The registration fee must accompany all registrations (if applicable). Payments should be made in advance and in EUR only, using a credit card (up to a total amount of EUR 5.000) or by bank transfer (for any amount). Personal cheques, company cheques or Euro cheques are not accepted.
All bank fees and money transfer costs must be prepaid by the transmitter. Indicate your participant number, AIDS 2010 group manager company name as a reference on all bank transfers.
Exhibitor registration procedure
After the AIDS 2010 Registration Department has received the completed exhibitor registration form and payment in full (if applicable), the group manager can either enter the details of the exhibitors online in the registration system or complete a pre-formatted group information template (excel spreadsheet) which will then have to be sent to the AIDS 2010 Registration Department. The group manager must make sure that the following data for all group members will be provided: first name, last name, nationality, gender, date of birth, preferred email address, home address.
The complete details for the group members must be provided no later than 18 June 2010.
All additional items such as the abstract book, Letter of Invitation, carbon emission offset fee, etc. can be ordered online or by using the group information template.
A confirmation will be sent to the group manager upon receipt of the completed group information template.
Registration name change
Name changes must either be made online or by using the group information template. The group manager is requested to clearly mark the name change. Name changes received until 18 June 2010 are free of charge. After 18 June 2010, a handling fee of EUR 45 will be charged for each name change. Name changes received after 9 July 2010 will be processed onsite.
Only name changes advised by the group manager will be accepted.
Major Industry Sponsors do not have to pay a name change fee.
Cancellation policy
Notification of cancellation must be made in writing and sent to the AIDS 2010 Registration Department by email. The notification must include all relevant information regarding the bank account to which a possible refund may be remitted.
If the written notification of cancellation is received before 6 May 2010, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. We regret that no refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date. Only cancellations advised by the group manager will be accepted. The cancellation will not be effective until a written acknowledgement from the AIDS 2010 Registration Department is received. A refund for any additional items ordered can not be made.
In the case of overpayment or double payment, refund requests must be made in writing and sent to the AIDS 2010 Registration Department, by email, no later than 1 September 2010. An administration fee of EUR 45 will be charged.
Refunds will be made in the same form as the original transaction. For original payments made by bank transfer, the cancellation notification must indicate a bank account to which a refund may be remitted.
Credit will not be given for unattended events or early termination of attendance.
Cancellation of the conference
In the event that the conference cannot be held or is postponed due to events beyond the control of the conference organizers (force majeure) or due to events which are not attributable to wrongful intent or gross negligence of the conference organizers, the conference organizers cannot be held liable by delegates and exhibitors for any damages, costs, or losses incurred, such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, costs for additional orders, financial losses, etc.
Under these circumstances, the conference organizers reserve the right to either retain the entire registration fee and to use it for a future conference, or to reimburse the delegate or exhibitor after deducting costs already incurred for the organization of the conference and which could not be recovered from third parties.
Modification of the programme
The conference organizers reserve the right to modify the programme, which is published as an indication only.
Lost name badge
The conference name badge must be worn at all times during the conference. Access to the conference facilities will not be granted without a proper name badge. If an exhibitor loses, misplaces or forgets the name badge, a handling fee of EUR 45 will be charged for a new name badge. Upon handing out a new name badge, the lost badge will be deactivated and become invalid. The group manager is responsible for advising the exhibitors on the conference policy for lost name badges.
Letter of Invitation
Exhibitors requiring an official Letter of Invitation from the conference organizers can request one through their group manager or by contacting the AIDS 2010 Registration Department. To receive a Letter of Invitation, the exhibitor must be registered and payment must be received in full (if applicable) for the entire group.
The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the conference organizers in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the conference are the sole responsibility of the group manager/exhibitor.
Visa requirements
It is the responsibility of the group manager/exhibitor to take care of his/her visa requirements. Exhibitors who require an entry visa must allow sufficient time for the application procedure. Exhibitors should contact the nearest Austrian embassy or consulate to determine the appropriate timing of their visa applications. All visa applications should be submitted to the authorities before 1 June 2010.
Exhibitor registration details will be shared with the Austrian immigration authorities to assist in the immigration process. However, the conference organizers and/or the AIDS 2010 Registration Department will not directly contact embassies and consulates on behalf of visa applicants.
The registration fee minus a handling fee of EUR 45 will be refunded after the conference if the visa was applied for in time and proof is shown that a visa could not be granted even though all requested documents were submitted. A refund for any additional items ordered (for example abstract book, insurance etc) can not be made. Refund requests must be made in writing and sent to the AIDS 2010 Registration Department, by email, no later than 1 September 2010.
Travel-health insurance
As part of a Schengen visa application, individuals must have travel-health insurance for the duration of their stay in the Schengen zone. This insurance can be obtained from any approved insurer. Individuals need to check with the responsible Schengen embassy/consulate for a list of approved insurers available in their country. As an additional service, the conference has made an agreement with UNIQA, an Austrian insurer, who is able to provide such insurance at a reasonable rate to conference participants.
Booking and purchasing of the UNIQA travel-health insurance can be done online through the online conference registration system or via the group information template. Delegates and exhibitors who need to book and purchase the UNIQA travel-health insurance after the registration has been submitted should contact the AIDS 2010 Registration Department for further assistance.
Payment for the insurance must be made to the registration department as part of the registration process. The costs are as follows:
8 days = EUR 10
15 days = EUR 19
22 days = EUR 28
31 days = EUR 38
Individuals must have insurance for their entire stay in Austria (or anywhere in the Schengen zone) and therefore are encouraged to ensure they choose and pay for the correct number of days. The Schengen visa will only be given for the dates that are covered by the insurance policy, which need to relate to the travel dates.
The conference will not receive any financial benefit or administration costs for any insurance policy purchased through the online registration system or the group information template. The conference organizers take no responsibility for the agreement between UNIQA and the individual, nor can the conference intervene in the relationship between the individual and insurer.
Once the payment has been made, the conference will send the money and personal details of the individual to UNIQA. UNIQA will then send confirmation of the policy to the individual, including a letter stating the individuals’ personal details, the arrival date of the individual into the Schengen zone and the number of days covered by the insurance policy. The conditions of the insurance and the emergency number will be provided by UNIQA at that time.
The cost for the insurance is non-refundable.
UNIQA insurance policy coverage:
- The full costs of a stay in a public hospital at standard rates for urgent medically justified treatment resulting from sickness or accident;
- The full costs of medically justified transfer to the nearest suitable hospital, the holiday accommodation or an embarkation point for repatriation;
- Up to EUR 2,000 per person excluding the first EUR 40 for medically justified outpatient treatment or emergency dental treatment for the purposes of relieving pain, including medication prescribed by a physician;
- The cost of rescue up to EUR 2,000 per incident;
- The full costs of a medically indicated transport to a hospital in the home country or main place of residence, and the cost of transporting an accompanying person with the insured person being transported. The preconditions for repatriation apart from the transportability of the insured person are that:
- the patient’s health problem is life-threatening;
- in-patient treatment exceeding the duration of 5 days is to be expected. Repatriation must be organized by one of the contracting organizations listed on the SOS card, otherwise no more than EUR 2,000 will be reimbursed;
- The full costs for the transport of a deceased person to his/her home;
- The necessary coverage of EUR 30.000, demanded by the European Union is fulfilled.
The following are not covered by the UNIQA insurance policy:
Benefits in connection with:
- treatments, illness, disabilities, abnormalities and injuries predating the commencement of insurance cover;
- Curative treatment of chronic diseases, except as a consequence of acute attacks or episodes;
- Curative treatment that is the purpose of the stay abroad;
- Dental treatment other than first aid for the immediate treatment of pain;
- Induced abortions or deliveries, except deliveries that are premature by at least two months;
- Curative treatment due to the excessive consumption of alcohol and drug abuse;
- Cosmetic treatment, cure treatment, and rehabilitation programs;
- Prophylactic vaccinations;
- Curative treatment of diseases and the consequences of accidents caused by any kind of war, by active participation in unrest or intentionally committed criminal offences;
- Curative treatment for the consequences of accidents that occur during active and remunerated participation in public sports competitions and the accompanying training;
- Curative treatment of diseases and the consequences of accidents caused by the destructive effect of nuclear energy.
Further details of the insurance cover and claim process can be obtained at www.uniqa.at/uniqa_at/cms/privat/index.jsp.
Data protection and sharing of contact details
The IAS will collect and store all personal data for the preparation and execution of the XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010). Data protection is warranted in accordance with the Swiss Data Protection Act and the Tele Service Data Protection Act.
In order to facilitate border entry and visa applications, the IAS will share contact details of delegates and exhibitors with Austrian immigration authorities.
IAS Principles and Values of Conference Participation
By attending the XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2010), delegates and exhibitors agree to comply with the
IAS Principles and Values of Conference Participation. The full policy is available on the
conference website and onsite at the registration counter.
The conference organizers shall be held liable in the framework of a duty of care as a respectable businessman according to statutory provisions. The liability of the conference organizers - for whatever legal reason - shall be limited to intent and gross negligence. The liability of commissioned service providers shall remain unaffected by this. Delegates and exhibitors shall take part in the conference at his/her own risk. Oral agreements shall not be binding if these have not been confirmed in writing by the IAS.
Fulfillment and jurisdiction
This contract is subject to the law of Geneva, Switzerland. The terms of this contract shall be fulfilled in Vienna, Austria and, in the event of any legal claims arising from either party, Geneva, Switzerland shall be the sole court of jurisdiction.
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