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International AIDS Society

Non-Abstract Driven Sessions (NADS)

Non-abstract driven sessions address a variety of current viewpoints and issues. The format and focus of these sessions will vary. These sessions will be developed by the three programme committees with stakeholder input.

  • Symposia sessions will deal with critical issues that defy simple solutions. Focusing on a single, clearly defined topic or issue, speakers and delegates will share experiences, contribute relevant research findings and brainstorm ideas to identify possible ways forward. Sessions will also report new findings and announce forthcoming research and new initiatives.

    Bridging Sessions connect the three programme components (Science, Community, Leadership & Accountability) to provide an opportunity for multi-disciplinary, multi-perspective dialogues on topics of common interest. Through moderated panel discussions, speakers will share knowledge and perspectives on the particular issue selected. Together with contributions from delegates, members of the panel will be encouraged to illuminate linkages and synergies between their different areas of expertise

  • Special Sessions feature presentations by some of the world’s key research leaders, AIDS Ambassadors and policy specialists. These sessions, 60-minutes long and held mid-day, are highly engaging for all delegates.